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Decentralized carbon negative power production for increased resilience
Decreasing the need for investment in infrastructure

Our Services

From Agriculture to Independent Power Production

Soil testing

In order to make a plan, we need to understand the soil health.


Biochar isn't just storing carbon long-term in the soil, it also creates a habitat for microbial life.

Ash for cement

Our ash are handled by industrial partners who mixes it into their cement.


Through our process, we are producing carbon-negative power.

Why Choose Us?

Balance network

Optimize the distribution network

Minimizing investments

Can be placed close to the consumption

Inoculated Biochar

Restore depleted soil, and increase revenues

Carbon negative

No Greenhouse gas emissions

About Our Company

Reagrio develops and finances Build, Own & Operate (BOO) Independent Power and Biochar  Producer (IPBP) in a Factory in a Box mode to provide the opportunity to immediately improve network stability in light of increased demand. The facilities can be located within the distribution network, close to, or within the load centers. This not only provides network stability but also allows for the existing power producers to deliver more power without additional investment as Reagrio’s injection of power in the load centers increases the overall network capacity.

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